For KHA members: We're pleased to announce the return of the Kosciuszko Huts Association Woodskills Weekend on 22-23 April 2023, to be held in Wee Jasper.
ABC South East NSW reports the completion of the Sawyer's Hill hut rebuild
Subject to change due to mountain weather, the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service has given a timetable for hut rebuilds(as at June 2022).
After some challenging mountain weather NSW Parks staff and 5 volunteers have nearly completed the Rest House at Sawyers Hill. With heavy snowfalls recently, the builders hope to get back to complete chimney and roof when the weather improves.
After the unusually wet summer, the annual KHA work party to Valentine Hut was delayed until a weekend of ideal weather in mid-March.
NSW Update
If you are interested in helping out with the reconstruction of the huts in NSW then please register directly with NPWS.
The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service recently provided these pictures of the rebuilt Linesmans huts and Round Mountain Hut.
NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service provided an update on recent work to rebuild Round Mountain Hut and the Linesman Huts.
The Kosciuszko Huts Association is contributing to a project managed by the Australian Alps National Parks Co-Operative Management Program to digitally capture and produce 3D digital twin models of over 100 heritage huts across the Australian Alps National Parks and Reserves of the ACT, NSW and Victoria.
A Return to Snowy Plain gathering was held over the weekend of 22-24 November 2024. Attending members visited Davey’s Hut, Botherim Plain Hut, a number of old hut sites, diggings and other sites of historical interest.
Read Mark Grundy's report on the recent ACT Region Heritage Symposium 2024 held in August at the
Australian National University in Canberra.
On Saturday 20th April, a group of 70 people watched on as Four Mile Hut was reopened after being rebuilt following destruction during the 2019/2020 bushfires.